$10 off your first Instacart order for delivery or curbside pickup of $35 or more.

Powered by Instacart. Use promo code FIRSTORDERTAKE10.

By clicking this link, you will leave publix.com and enter the Instacart site that they operate and control.

*Prices vary from in-store. Fees, tips, & taxes may apply. Subject to terms & availability. Offer valid through 12/31/2021 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Must use promo code to receive discount. Credit valid only for first-time Instacart customers. Customers must place an order of $35 or more through delivery.publix.com or on the Publix Delivery app. Credit will be deducted from the total purchase price for all non-alcohol products. Credit cannot be applied to alcohol products. In order to take advantage of this offer, customers must have a valid Instacart account with a valid form of accepted payment on file. Only one credit per household. Instacart and Publix reserve the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Credit may not be sold, copied, modified, or transferred. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Credit has no cash value. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Delivery and curbside pickup may not be available in all zip codes or locations. See additional terms: inst.cr./promo-terms.