One free month of Instacart Express*

With Instacart Express, you can enjoy unlimited free deliveries for one month on all orders over $35. Plus, you can keep using it after your trial expires with an annual membership fee. Use promo code GETEXPRESS30 on your first Publix order to redeem. Powered by Instacart.

By clicking this link, you will leave and enter the Instacart site that they operate and control.

*Item prices vary from in-store prices. Service fees may apply. Available in select zip codes. Additional terms apply. Promo code expires 12/31/2019. Promotional term lasts one month after code redemption. BY DEFAULT (AND WITH PRIOR NOTICE TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW), YOUR INSTACART EXPRESS MEMBERSHIP WILL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW, AND THE APPLICABLE MEMBERSHIP FEE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED TO YOU AT THE TIME OF RENEWAL, WITH AN ACTIVE CREDIT CARD ON FILE IN YOUR ACCOUNT. In order to take advantage of this offer, customers must have a valid account on with a valid form of accepted payment on file. Offer may be redeemed only once per household. Use of the Instacart Express membership is subject to the terms of Instacart Express, the Instacart Terms of Service, and the Instacart Privacy Policy. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. The promo code cannot be used retroactively for prior purchases. Promo code may not be sold, copied, modified, or transferred. Terms may be subject to change or cancellation at any time. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Promo code has no cash value. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. With Instacart Express, the delivery fee will not be charged on orders over $35 per retailer. Delivery is subject to availability; not available in all zip/post codes. Taxes, fees, and/or tips may still apply.